
The consultancy Zeevenhooven Advies is headed and run by Huib Zeevenhooven. Huib has developed a network of like-minded professionals to support him in coaching and professional development programmes.

Huib's interests lie in the dynamics of growth. He believes in the power of compassion to drive connection. His intuitive and associative approach helps him get straight to the heart of the matter and analyse potential opportunities for growth.

An expert in behaviour, Huib has been working as a coach since the late 1980s, and as a strategic advisor since the late 1990s. A broad base of clients, but a distinctive approach: committed, closely involved, yet retaining the perspective of an impartial observer.

Over the past fifteen years, Huib has concentrated on change management processes at executive and senior management levels, combining individual coaching sessions with collective change projects. The focus has mainly been on culture change and leadership development.

Through his extensive experience, Huib has become adept at acknowledging, identifying and facilitating the underlying resistance - whether overt or implicit - that is an inevitable part of change processes. Resistance is necessary to move forward; how that resistance and uncertainty are dealt with is critical.

Regardless of the sector or programme, themes such as personal development, change and learning to take the lead replay in the course of Huib's work. He initially drew inspiration from Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and Robert E. Quinn's seminal works on change. Seasoned over the years by different schools of thought and influences, he has since built up a much broader basis for his unique approach to leadership development.

Today's leader understands the need for investing in personal development and cultivates a high degree of self-awareness. Learns how to strike a balance between power and vulnerability, and between taking charge and letting go. Getting people to follow not because they have to, but because they want to. To this end, and especially in our turbulent times, it is important to find and emanate a sense of calm. For serenity opens the space for authenticity and connection. And that is the crux of it all.


Bart Janssen

HR Director
Facilicom Group, Belgium

I first came into contact with Huib when I was HR Director of Facilicom. It was during a High Potential training programme and Huib was responsible for individual coaching sessions. Right from the start, Huib created an atmosphere of trust where I felt at ease. This surprised me, as I am usually on my guard during initial encounters.

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Monique van der Borg

Head of Legal Office
Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeals, Public Prosecution Office
Netherlands Public Prosecution Service

I work as Chief Public Prosecutor, heading the legal department at one of the four courts of appeal within the national Public Prosecution Office - a demanding job with considerable responsibility within a field traditionally dominated by men. Following a reorganisation at the end of last year, I came into contact with Huib when we were taking part in a series of coaching and internal review sessions.



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Charles Wiegant

Chief Solicitor-General
National Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Appeals

I think Huib is particularly good as a coach because he cares so much and allows himself to get involved in the process. At the same time, he gives plenty of space and scope to his coachee's. He's quick to identify the 'sensitive spots' and has an energy and a drive that propels you to get right to the core. This drive makes his programmes very efficient; by that, I mean that you can quickly see tangible results in the workplace.

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