I think Huib is particularly good as a coach because he cares so much and allows himself to get involved in the process. At the same time, he gives plenty of space and scope to his coachee's. He's quick to identify the 'sensitive spots' and has an energy and a drive that propels you to get right to the core. This drive makes his programmes very efficient; by that, I mean that you can quickly see tangible results in the workplace.

Charles Wiegant
National Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Appeals
For me - and I'd say it holds for many busy executives - this is a very important point. In the past, I've worked with coaches whose approaches take up a great deal of time. No thanks, not for me!
At the moment, we're undergoing a reorganisation with all the complexities of restructured teams. So new teams have to get to know one another and their purpose, and become familiar with the new style of management - how to perform again.
Many current managers have typically been trained within the old hierarchical structures, but these structures no longer apply to today's new work relationships. Leadership involves far more than just wielding authority: Huib teaches how to let go of the hierarchical structures, at both individual and team level, and how to take up and fulfil a leadership role that dispenses of command-and-control status and understands soft power - getting others to follow you because they want to, not because they have to. This is an inspiring approach for any participant, professionally and personally.
Charles Wiegant
Written by Jannie Regnerus, based on a telephone interview.